Saturday, May 28, 2011

What's in store for you here...

Hello, out there.

I've been having the itch for some time to start a new blog. The purpose of this new outlet (for my social analysis through the lens of my Catholic faith) will primarily be for the entertainment/benefit/brain-stirring of my brothers and sisters in the Church, but is free and open to anyone to read, question, or otherwise comment on.

In this blog I will be sharing: interesting interpretations of current events, questions for the readers, and perspectives on pop culture trends, as well as book/movie/music reviews. We'll be digging deep, linking up what's going on in the world with what the Catholic Church proposes for belief.

Please understand, I am not presenting myself as an infallible teacher of all things Catholic. I am simply trying to provoke a deeper consideration of issues to you. However, I will dish it to you raw. So if you prefer PC sugarcoating- you probably won't want to follow this.

I welcome topic suggestions from my readers as well. I don't shy away from the tough stuff, so fire away! You'll be hearing from me soon.

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